Feng Shui Awakening

you're ready
to who you really are


It’s time to discover the magical creator within you.

Through the powerful art of Feng Shui and other modalities, you will truly transform your life in profound and meaningful ways.

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Hi, and welcome!
I’m Holly.

I see and experience the world around me in a different way. I see and work with the energy blueprints of the universe, and work with universal energy archetypes, patterns, and systems at play both in spaces and within people. And I can truly help you to transform YOUR LIFE to the magical journey it's meant to be. It’s time to awaken to who you TRULY are.

About Me

Holly Andra


After experiencing an intense spiritual awakening in 2015, I was shown the mysteries and magic of the universe after many spiritual gifts opened up for me - the most profound was that I began to experience and see the world around me as if in a blueprint.

I’m so glad you’re here!

This blueprint allowed me to identify and transmute the areas both in my life and in those around me that were truly creating blockages and holding us back. I completely transformed my life in literally every area, and I’ve helped hundreds of others to transform theirs. I’ve undergone thousands of hours of intense training with world renowned teachers in many modalities, and honed my own gifts and skills so that I can help you to activate and claim YOUR own unique gifts and abilities as well.
While I use many modalities to do that, I always use the foundational art of Feng Shui to ensure your environment is working FOR you before we begin any major transformational journeys. As a certified Feng Shui practitioner, reiki master, clairvoyant, and business expert, I use my wide arsenal of tools and my unique ability to see the universal blueprints to help reconnect you to your true identity and source and discover the powerful creator within you.

My Vision

I’m on a mission to help the world step out of the matrix and reclaim your abilities and your amazing body back. It’s time to awaken to who you truly are. Having been the CEO and co-owner of two “normal” businesses, I truly get “real” life and can help you to pair the “normal” world with your spiritual awakening and practice. Although I’ve lived all over the United States, my home (and favorite city) is Kansas City, MO, where I live with my best friend and husband, Evan, and my two amazing dogs, Glock and Freya.


Find out how you too can learn to manifest your soul’s true purpose and attract success and abundance to your own business projects. It’s the perfect pick-me-up whether you’re at the start of your journey and looking for guidance or you’re a seasoned pro in need of a fresh perspective and a spark of inspiration.

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Whether you're looking to find your true purpose, improve your relationships, or boost your wealth, you’ll learn to begin to see your space through a different lens and how to send out the messages you WANT to send out to the universe.
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